Scientific articles
Scientific articles realised in partnership or within the framework of Sym’Previus.
Augustin JC, Ferrier R, Hezard B, Lintz A, Stahl V, 2015, Comparison of individual-based modeling and population approaches for prediction of foodborne pathogens growth, Food Microbiol., 45, 205-2015 |
Augustin JC, Zuliani V, Cornu M, Guillier L, 2005, Growth rate and growth probability of Listeria monocytogenes in dairy, meat and seafood products in suboptimal conditions, J. Appl.Microbiol., 99 (5), 1019-42 |
Buche P, Dervin C, Haemmerlé O, Thomopoulos R, 2005, Fuzzy querying on incomplete, imprecise and heterogeneously structured data in the relational model using ontologies and rules, IEEE Transactions on fuzzy systems 13(3) 373-383. |
Coroller, L., Kan-King-Yu, D., Leguerinel, I., Mafart, P., & Membré, J. M. (2012). Modelling of growth, growth/no-growth interface and nonthermal inactivation areas of Listeria in foods. International journal of food microbiology, 152(3), 139-152. |
Coroller L, Leguerinel I, Mettler E, Savy N, Mafart P, 2006, General model, based on two mixed weibull distributions of bacterial resistance, for describing various shapes of inactivation curves, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 72(10),6493-502. |
Couvert O, Augustin JC, Huchet V, Mafart P, Thuault D, 2006, Sym’Previus, la microbiologie prévisionnelle, du laboratoire à l’industrie agroalimentaire, Sciences des Aliments, 26(5), 377-393. |
Couvert O, Buche P, Carlin F, Mettler E, Thuault D, 2005, Optimising Food Process and Formulation on Internet. The Sym’Previus Experience Acta Horticulturae. 674, 397-400 |
Couvert O, Gaillard S, Savy N, Mafart P, Leguerinel I, 2005, Survival curves of heated bacterial spores: effect of environmental factors on Weibull parameters. Int. J. Food Microbiol., 101 (1) 73-81 |
Couvert, O., Pinon, A., Bergis, H., Bourdichon, F., Carlin, F., Cornu, M., … & Augustin, J. C. (2010). Validation of a stochastic modelling approach for Listeria monocytogenes growth in refrigerated foods. International journal of food microbiology, 144(2), 236-242. |
Crépet A, Albert I, Dervin C, Carlin F, 2007, Estimation of Microbial Contamination of Food from Prevalence and Concentration Data: Application to Listeria monocytogenes in Fresh Vegetables, Appl. And Env. Microbiol., 73 (1) 250–258 |
Gaillard S, Leguerinel I, Savy N, Mafart P, 2005, Quantifying the combined effects of the heating time, the temperature and the recovery medium pH on the regrowth lag time of Bacillus cereus spores after a heat treatment. Int. J. Food Microbiol., 105(1), 53-58 |
Guillier L, Pardon P, Augustin JC, 2005, Influence of stress on individual lag time distributions of Listeria monocytogenes. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71 (6), 2940-2948 |
Guillier L, Pardon P, Augustin JC, 2006, Automated images analysis of bacterial colony growth as a tool to study individual lag time distributions of immobilized cells. J. Microbiol. Methods, 65 (2) 324-34 |
Guillier L, Augustin JC, 2006, Modelling the individual cell lag time distributions of Listeria monocytogenes as a function of the physiological state and the growth conditions, Int. J. Food Microbiol., 111(3),241-51. |
Haemmerlé O, Buche P, Thomopoulos R, 2007, The MIEL system: uniform interrogation of structured and weakly-structured imprecise data, J. Intelligent Information Systems 29(3),279-304. |
Hignette G, Buche P, Couvert O, Dibie-Barthélemy J, Doussot D, Haemmerlé O, Mettler E, Soler S, 2008, Semantic annotation of Web data applied to risk in food, Int. J. Food Microbiol., 128, 174-180. |
Leguerinel I, Couvert O, Mafart P, 2006, Modelling the influence of the sporulation temperature upon the bacterial spore heat resistance, application to heating process calculation, Int J Food Microbiol. 114(1):100-4. |
Leguerinel I, Couvert O, Mafart P, 2006, Modelling the influence of the incubation temperature upon the estimated heat resistance of heated Bacillus spores, Lett. Appl. Microbiol., 43(1),17-21. |
Leguerinel I, Spegagne I, Couvert O, Gaillard S, Mafart P, 2005, Validation of an overall model describing the effect of three environmental factors on the apparent D-value of Bacillus cereus spores. Int. J. Food Microbiol., 100, 223-229 |
Leporq B, Membre JM, Dervin C, Buche P, Guyonnet JP, 2005, The Sym’Previus software, a tool to support decisions to the foodstuff safety. Int. J. Food Microbiol., 100, 231-237 |
Moreau Y, Couvert O, Thuault D, 2005, Estimation of the Confidence Band of Bacterial Growth Simulation. The Sym’Previus Approach. Acta Horticulturae. 674, 415-420 |
Thomopoulos R, Buche P, Haemmerlé O, 2006, Fuzzy sets define on a hierarchical domain, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 18(10) 1397-1410. |
Valerio F, Di Biase M, Huchet V, Desriac N, Lonigro SL, Lavermicocca P, Sohier D, Postollec F, 2015, Comparison of three Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strains growth behaviour and evaluation of the spoilage risk during bread shelf-life. Food Microbiol., 45 2-9 |
PhD realized in link or within the framework of Sym’ Previus, or having been of use as support to the development of the software.